✔️ Rózsa Porta Üdülőház Balatonlelle

✔️ Rózsa Porta Üdülőház Balatonlelle
✔️ Rózsa Porta Üdülőház Balatonlelle

✔️ Rózsa Porta Üdülőház Balatonlelle

8638 Balatonlelle, Honvéd utca 55.
Numer rejestracyjny NTAK: -
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Rózsa Porta Üdülőház Balatonlelle

Dear guests! We would like to inform you that we are not selling rooms in this hotel presently.

Rózsa Porta üdülőház is on Balatonlelle near the train station and the free beach and market. Rózsa Porta has got large garden and big ancient trees. The apartment is possible ping-pong, billiard, barbecue area, bicycle rentals. There is a library in Rózsa Porta House. The parking of the house free of charge.

Rózsa Porta is baby - friendly, so awaiting the guest with baby bed, baby bath, Baby food heating possibility, baby pool, and children toys.

Rózsa Porta Üdülőház Rooms:
There are 2 and 3 beds rooms with pine furnitures.The rooms are equipped with bath, toilet.

Rózsa Porta Üdülőház apartements:
The rooms are non-smoking, are equipped with shower bathroom, on request child or extra bed can be added. Apartemenst are one or two open plan rooms and has a kitchen unit.

More hotels at lake Balaton:  Balatoni szállodák hotelek

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✔️ Rózsa Porta Üdülőház Balatonlelle



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